Meeker, Colorado Attractions Coulter Aviation - Meeker Airport - East of Meeker Meeker, CO 81641 970-878-5045 full service airport, sightseeing tours. |
Welder Outfitting Services P.O. Box 823 Meeker, Colorado 81641 Brian Welder 970-878-4559 Shawn Welder 970-878-9869 |
White River National Forest Map The Blanco Ranger District has 111 miles of streams, 75 acres of natural lakes, 9 campgrounds, 17 trailheads, 250 miles of hiking, 280 miles of snowmobile trails and 25 acres of reservior providing a variety of fishing opportunities. For additional info and maps contact The Rio Blanco District 970-878-4039 317 E. Market St. Meeker, Colorado 81641 |
Eastern Park and Rec. Distric 970-878-3404 The Meeker Recreation Center includes: finess center, swimming pool, Fay Action Park, playgrounds, Dorcas Jensen Memorial Park, Paint Brush Park, Picnic areas and Pavilions, and an archery range. The Meeker Hotel can arrange $5 daily passes
Meeker Sportsman's Club P.O Box 1325 Meeker, Colorado 81641 Facilities include: Range Located 4.5 miles SW of Meeker on Colorado Highway 13, Field Archery Range, Pistol Range, 400 yr Rifle Range with 6 benches, and a Trap Range |
The Range Call Rodeo |
White River Museum 970-878-9982 |
Meeker Sheep Dog Trials | 5100 RBC - 4 Meeker, Colorado 81641 970-878-4765 |